We often overlook hazards lurking in our houses. An example would be parts of your home prone to slips and falls, like the bathroom and staircase. Realizing that windows could also cause safety hazards might surprise you. These steps should help make your window safe:

Consider Location and Placement of Windows

The atmosphere of a room can dramatically change just because of its location. Think about the window size that your home needs, especially for air circulation. The windows’ position and dimension will affect the light entering the room. However, your window placement might make it easier for little ones to put themselves in a dangerous situation.

Factor Windows into Landscaping Decisions

The placement of bushes in your garden could be helpful to lessen the impact of a fall. With smart landscaping, you could save a life. Put bushes, grass, or wood under your windows to make your home appealing and safer at the same time.

Lock Windows, But Never Nail Them Shut

The most basic security tool you can apply is window locks.  Locks can keep burglars out and save kids from going out. Never nail shut windows because this can pose a severe risk to fire safety.  Even if you don’t plan to open the window, don’t lock it permanently.

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