Are you considering taking on a project to paint a room or two in your home? A lot of homeowners (and even renters) have found this to be the kind of project that they can do and produce near-professional results, as long as they forearm themselves with knowledge. To that end, here’s a basic tip that could help you out.

High-quality paint may be a bit more expensive at first, but in the end, it can turn out to save you a lot. For example, better paint is typically easier to apply, meaning less time wasted with applying a second or third coat. It’s also a lot easier to clean, and does not damage as easily. Painter’s tape is key to clean edges, but cheaper, generic tape is often significantly inferior, causing paint to bleed through, or it may damage the drying paint as it’s removed from the wall. Long story short: don’t be afraid to invest in quality materials and tools!

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